Mee Foong is a debt coach with Colchester CAP Debt Centre.  She has been with the centre since the start in 2013.  Here is a testimony she has written as part of our prayer for Colchester. You can find out more about it here


Mee’s Lockdown Healing

In the beginning of lockdown I sensed God saying to me ‘be still’.

From the 3rd week of lockdown, I really started to slow down as CAP was transitioning from a face to face service to a telephone service.  When I started to slow  down, God reminded me about the thing that I was really excited about in recent years. A few years ago, during a CAP Closer conference, the message of Shalom really spoke to me. It’s the first time I learnt that biblical Shalom means complete and total restoration. In this mindset; the emotional, spiritual and physical are all interconnected. In my work as Debt Coach, I see chaos, brokenness and loss of hope. I have cried out to God that there must be more for my clients after becoming debt free. I began to meditate on what it actually meant and during lockdown I started to look to Facebook and Youtube for teaching about healing, transformation and restoration.

Kingsland Church has been great in helping me in my journey. In the Deeper Ministry School I attended a while back, Karen mentioned a few people that she respected and I started to listen to their messages on Youtube. Last year, when one of these people came to speak in a church in Surrey, a few friends and I
went to hear him speak. During lockdown I started listening to his messages again as he started to do some in-depth teaching on healing, with worship and guest speakers on Monday and Thursday nights. I was listening to a guest speaker and she talked about the promises of God in the bible. At the end of the sermon, the interns gave out words of knowledge. In Randy’s previous messages, he had said that when your condition is called out with a word of knowledge, it is the will of God to heal. He also says that you have to test it out and an improvement shows that healing has occurred. I remember having an ‘aha’ moment. It felt like a John 5, moment.

I have this condition where my shoulder and neck grinds like crunching stones when I moved. I decided to raise my left arm and sure enough the sound was there and it was pretty bad that day. The same goes for the neck and right shoulder. I also remember him saying that sometimes you keep testing and testifying when healing has occurred as this raises expectation and faith. The sound persisted but I was hosting a Zoom small group so had to stop. Later in the day, I decided to test my shoulder and neck again. There was not a single sound! When people say their heart burst, I know what they mean. The sense of gratitude, wonder at a good God just burst from within me. My faith level has risen as well. I believe healing took place because of the grace of God. I did not ask for it but in his faithfulness, He has
shown me He knows me, He is God and He heals. I did not ask for healing specifically. I have lived with this condition for a very long time.

I do not know why some people are healed and some are not. When I read the bible, Jesus had compassion on people and heal them. As a follower of Jesus, I obey His commission to proclaim good news to the poor, freedom for the prisoners, recovery of sight for the blind and set the captives free. The good news is Jesus has paid the price so that we can have a relationship with God and Jesus of the bible is alive and real today.