Introducing the Colchester Poverty Forum

So What’s It All About?

We all want to fight poverty and see people released from the prison of oppression in this town.

But do you know how much work is already being done?

There is a lot happening in this town, but not all of it is widely known. There are so many people and different groups helping those who are struggling already. With so much experience and knowledge out there, it makes perfect sense to bring everyone together to pool ideas, learn from each other and help even more people.

At the Colchester Poverty Forum, Agencies and Churches in Colchester will get the opportunity to share ideas, learn from one another, collectively address the issues that we all face together, and maybe even start some group projects.

The pandemic has led to a rise in people in Colchester falling into poverty. Equally, there is increased awareness of the issues around the subject – look at the upsurge in people helping each other that we saw in the lockdowns. Now is the perfect time to create this group and work together to make a real difference in our town.

This is a new initiative for 2021. All churches and agencies in Colchester
will be invited to send representatives, but anyone is welcome to attend.

What are the Details?

Monday 11th October, 10am at  Firstsite.  You can register by emailing Patsi Brown at [email protected]

Who Started This?

The Colcheste Poverty Forum is a joint venture by the Bishop of Colchester and Colchester CAP Debt Centre.  The Bishop will be leading the discussions.

Why CAP?

CAP has a national strategy to work with the church to bring an end to poverty.  Poverty is not just about being money poor, but also, relationships, mental health, physical health, anything that can reduce a person’s ‘agency’ – their capacity to interact with the world around them. CAP’s emphasis is to empower others to engage with poverty.